Named Entity Recognition

LearningToAdapt with word embeddings: Domain adaptation of Named Entity Recognition systems

The task of Named Entity Recognition (NER) is aimed at identifying named entities in a given text and classifying them into pre-defined domain entity types such as persons, organizations, locations. Most of the existing NER systems make use of …

Adapting Named Entity Types to New Ontologies in a Microblogging Environment

Given the potential rise in the amount of user-generated content on social network, research efforts towards Information Extraction have significantly increased, giving leeway to the emergence of numerous *Named Entity Recognition* (NER) systems. …

Towards adaptation of named entity classification

Numerous state-of-the-art **Named Entity Recognition** (NER) systems use different classification schemas/ontologies. Comparisons and integration among NER systems, thus, becomes complex. In this paper, we propose a transfer-learning approach where …