During the last years, the phenomenon of **hate against women** increased exponentially especially in online environments such as microblogs. Although this alarming phenomenon has triggered many studies both from computational linguistic and machine …
The huge amount of textual user-generated content on the Web has incredibly grown in the last decade, creating new relevant opportunities for different real-world applications and domains. In particular, microblogging platforms enables the collection …
The paper describes the organization of the SemEval 2019 Task 5 about the detection of **hate speech against immigrants and women** in **Spanish and English** messages extracted from Twitter. The task is organized in two related classification …
**Automatic Misogyny Identification** (AMI) is a new **shared task** proposed for the first time at the Evalita 2018 evaluation campaign. The AMI challenge, based on both **Italian and English** tweets, is distinguished into two subtasks, i.e. …
Mapping natural language terms to a Web knowledge base enriches information systems without additional context, with new relations and properties from the Linked Open Data. In this paper we formally define such task, which is related to word sense …
Knowledge Graphs (KG) are widely used abstractions to represent entity-centric knowledge. Approaches to embed entities, entity types and relations represented in the graph into vector spaces - often referred to as KG embeddings - have become …